Infant Feeding Therapy at Sensory Kids
Poor latch with breast or bottle
Trouble coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing
Coughing, gagging or throwing up with feeds
Lacking alertness during feedings
Looking uncomfortable
Prolonged feedings
Feeding aversions
Poor weight gain or growth
Crying and pulling away from breast or bottle
Refusing bottle for child care
Excessive drooling
Spitting up frequently
Tongue clicking or spillage during feedings
Transitioning to solids
Noisy breathing
Nipple damage/bouts of clogged ducts
Continued pain during nursing
Decreased milk supply
Discouragement with feedings
Latching to breast or bottle
Assessing and treating infant oral motor skills
Decreasing the sensitivity of the mouth or face
Decreasing reflux
Diagnosis of tongue/lip tie
Weighted feedings
The coordination for swallowing
Increasing milk transfer
Responsive/Cue based feeding
Selecting a bottle/nipple
Sensory regulation in feeding
Transition between breast and bottle
Caregiver education
Help Starts Here.
80% of mothers who stop breastfeeding by six weeks didn’t want to stop. Maybe you’ve seen lactation consultants for assistance with positioning, technique, etc. but are still having difficulties feeding your baby. If you’ve worked on latch with either breast or bottle and are still having feeding issues it may mean your child has an oral motor problem. Maybe you’ve been told your child has a tongue, lip or cheek tie that is playing a role in feeding difficulties or you’ve recently had a tie revised but are still having problems. Is bottle feeding a challenge? Refusing bottles, increased reflux or spillage, troubles identifying the right bottle and nipple combination to fit your infants oral motor abilities? Perhaps you’ve started trialing solid foods and are having a hard time with the transition. We are here to help. Our highly trained and experienced speech therapist can help you navigate feeding difficulties.
We take into account everything that contributes to successful feedings.
Interdisciplinary approach to collaborate with lactation consultants, dietitians, pediatric dentist, ENT, GI and more
Understanding digestion and health concerns
Your child’s stage of development/anatomy
Reflux and allergies
Optimizing the environment for successful eating
Impact of sensory system and sensations of eating
Coordination and muscle strength feedings
Therapist specialized in Beckman Oral Motor Approach and SOS Approach to Feeding
Additional trainings on bottle feeding, oral motor skills in infants, reflux and allergies in breastfed infants and tongue ties and breastfeeding
While building new feeding skills and routines may take time, you’ll feel the weight of the unknown lift when you meet a therapist who understands your challenges and joins your circle of support. We’re ready to join you in celebrating the joy of each small success on your child’s journey.